Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Some (Strengthening Oneself Through Mother’s Enduring)...
Module 1: Children with Mothers - at - Work Lesson 1: Loving My Mother (Love) Objectives: The students are expected to: 1. Identify the things that their mother is doing 2. Participate in the given activity 3. Show appreciation in the things that their mother can do. Materials: Pictures of community helpers, Human Bingo sheet, and pen, and journal notebook Mood Setting - Name the Picture Procedure 1. Show the picture of some community helpers and ask the participants to name them: a. doctor f. house helper b. nurse g. policewoman c. teacher h. soldier d. dressmaker i. firefighter e. chef j. flight attendant 2. Invite the students to give a short description of the main responsibility†¦show more content†¦What did you discover about yourself? 3. How will you address it? Abstraction/Discussion Have a discussion on the following: Tips on Family Quality Time 1. Help in preparing food 2. Eat with the family especially during dinner 3. Help in doing some household chores 4. Read stories with younger sibling/s 5. Help younger sibling/s in doing their assignment 6. Pray with the family or go to church on Sundays 7. Watch television with the family Application 1. Ask the participants to bring out their journal and list down three (3) activities that they enjoy with the family. 2. Invite them to write their learning for the session. VII. Evaluation Distribute the evaluation form to all the participants and ask them to answer it honestly. Reference: Assessing Your Time Management Skills – Management Activities.pdf Tips on Family Quality Time - Activity Sheet Name _______________________________________ Date _____________ Assessing Your Time Management Skills For each set of statements below, circle the number of the one that best describes you. 1. I like my watch to be set exactly at the correct time. 2. I like my watch to be set a few minutes ahead of the correct time. 3. Most of the time, I don’t wear watch. 1. I tend to arrive at most functions at least five (5) minutes early. 2. I tend to arriveShow MoreRelatedEssay on Short Term Pastoral Counseling Final15227 Words  | 61 Pagesfrom the problem (Hawkins, pt. 2). As stated in the beginning, this counseling model recognizes that the counselee is the source of the solution, but by establishing â€Å"Fit,†the counselor can create a context for change. This context is developed through a counseling style that conveys empathy, respect and authenticity. These elements can only be demonstrated if they already reside within the counselor, as a result of a meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ (Hawkins pt. 2). Assessment of theRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words  | 1351 Pagesin accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) without the written permission of the copyright holder except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Good Fellas A Classic Mafia Film - 1266 Words
In the time where mobster business ruled the streets of New York, Good Fellas is a classic mafia film that brings a little bit of everything to the round table; the violence, the profanity, the sex, the drugs, and especially the money. â€Å"Forget about it!†It will have you on the edge of your seat, entertained and desiring to see more of it. Directed by Martin Scorsese, Good Fellas’, takes place in the 1960’s and 70’s in the beautiful state of New York. Mobsters were walking idols for the eyes of many, with nice, slick suits, puffing cigarettes with tremendous swagger. And one of them was Ray Liotta as Henry Hill, a local Irish-American kid who grows up in one of the baddest, most tough neighborhoods in the city. Dropping out of high†¦show more content†¦Murdering Billy Batts, a mobster from the Gambino Crime Family, Henry Hill was on the verge of living the glamoirous lifestyle by doing what had to be done and that was: never rat on your frie nds and keeping your mouth shut. After closing the trunk in one motion, the trumpets of old jazz music drifted slowing into the scene, and the title ‘GoodFellas’ appeared in vibrant red. The way the scene was presented to the viewer, made the curiosity of one to perk up like meerkat coming out of a hole. Some may ask themselves, â€Å"How did they get there? What happened before this all took place? Why are the killing this man?†Automatically, the viewer is reeled into the story plot of ‘GoodFellas . I mean, who wouldn’t be? With the opening scene showing the brutal stabbing of a mobster and finishing gunshots to his head, anyone could tell that this film is not for the faint at heart. Violence will always capture the attention of the viewers. As Henry Hill got deeper into doing â€Å"business†with Jimmy Conway and Tommy DeVito, there was no doubt that anything would get in the way of their lucrative lifestyles. They would go out and enjoy themselves with a few drinks in the nightclub called â€Å"Copacabana†. Obnoxious laughs, alcoholic beverages tapping glass on glass and tobacco smoke fills the air heavily. With such scene, you would think that you’re at a stand up comedy by whats being talked about. The director, Martin, made a good choice of placing Joe Pesci (Tommy DeVito)
Monday, December 9, 2019
The Tourism Industry
Question: Write an essay onthe tourism industry. Answer: Recently, the tourism industry has been able to gain huge prominences in the modern business segments after the advent of globalizations. Notably, it can be stated that the advent of globalizations has influences the tourism industry to expand its business in the international platform. The enhancement in the business process due to the advent of globalizations has also influences the effective operation in this particular industry. The tourism industry is also played an important role in enhancing the global economic condition. Recently, one of the most important roles of tourism industry is to expand the economic opportunities in those countries, which are developing in nature. With these particular capabilities of the tourism industry has been able to play the leadership role in enhancing the economic condition of the company (Minghetti, 2003). Apart from this, tourism industry is not only supported the developing countries economic condition, but it also supported the several developed countries to play a major role in enhancing their economic sustainability. Besides, inducing the overall economic development in global economy the tourism industry has also influences a notable growth in the hospitality industry. Specially mentioning, the hospitality industry has also experiences adequate growth due to rapid development in the international tourism industry. With the growth in international tourism industry, the Australia has been experiencing huge popularity among its international tourist due to its excellent accommodation facilities. In this regard, Surfers Paradise Marriott Resort Spa is considered to be one of the Australias most famous tourist resorts, which has been able to gain prominences among its customers (Davidson, Guilding Timo, 2006). The prime intention of the study is to prepare a business report based on the hospitality industry and its function by considering the Surfers Paradise Marriott Resort Spa as prime organization. Correspondingly, the study will describes about the clear as well as concise analysis regarding the Australian Hospitality industry and the position of Surfers Paradise Marriott Resort Spa within that particular industry. The analysis regarding macro as well as micro environmental forces of the respective industry and supports the company to develop an effective marketing strategy. Overview of Australian Hospitality Industry The Australian hospitality industry is considered as one of the most famous and economically strong industry around the world. The country has gain huge prominences from its international tourist for delivering an effective care to the various people. People are love to travel internationally are mainly considered Australia as a major and most prominent destinations for them. The natural beauties as well as manmade intelligence are also recognized as main attraction for the international tourist for this particular country. The Australian hospitality industry is enriching with verity of organizations. Basically, it would be eminent to state that with the effective service and quality products the Australian hospitality industry has been able to take proper association in serving majority customers (Dawes, 1999). Surfers Paradise Marriott Resort Spa is one of the famous tourist resorts that mainly popular for its excellent services as well as product quality. The ambiance provided by this particular resort is considered to be an exceptional experience for the various customers. Notably, the hospitality industry of Australia is noted to be quite competitive in nature due to the rapid development in tourism industry. Apart from this, the strong economic base of the country is quite responsible for providing adequate supports to the hospitality industry to conduct more business operations in their future. Due to the strong economic base, the hospitality industry of the country has also able to attain huge profitability for its better development. Basically, the strong international tourism bases as well as economic base also enable the Australian hospitality industry to enhance their operational process for attaining success through increasing the profitability (Lee, Barker Kandampully, 2003). Basically, it could state that in the earlier stage the Australian Hospitality industry has been developed in the diversified structured manner. In this particular diversification the industry mainly includes small size as well as lower branded tourist resorts that mainly based over the regional business segments. Those hospitality resorts are mainly servers the lower graded hospitality services, which was failed in attracting international tourists. However, the major revolution has been observed within the Australian hospitality segment after the event of Sydney Olympics in the year 2000. With this particular event the hospitality industry of Australia has been experiencing a drastic development in the hospitality industry as well as in the tourism industry. The advent of Sydney Olympics has made the country to be more open for the international hospitality services as per the 5 star segment bases (Sin, Alan, Heung Yim, 2005). However, in earlier segment the hospitality industry is having less prominence within the international tourism sector, but recently a huge growth has been observed in this particular segment. The selected company Surfers Paradise Marriott Resort Spa will be able to enhance its business operations with the help of expansion. According the conducted market research the company will be able to face huge competition in this recent scenario. There is various international hospitality companies are establishing their business operations within the country for earning the majority of market shares. The hospitality market of the company is having huge scope for expanding business among several hospitality companies (Kang, Lee, Huh, 2010). Macro Environment Analysis In the modern business environment, the business of hospitality industry is a considered to be one of the most prominent jobs. Recently, the hospitality business has been able to gain huge prominences among the international market segment. By conducting the business in the hospitality industry majority of the companies are also able to attain maximum profitability for supporting their overall business process. Basically, it could state that managing a hotel business is considered to be one of the complex business activity. While managing the hospitality business, there are large numbers of factors should be addressed by the company. Basically, the macro environmental factors are needs to be addressed by the company, while it opted for conducting its further business. It important for the hospitality companies of Australia to conduct an analysis, which will be helpful for the company to determine the actual success as well as failure of the company. In this regard, the Macro environm ental analysis for the company is needs to be conducted for enhancing their operational process. The macro environmental analysis is mainly includes the PEST analysis as well as Porters Five force analysis for gaining a brief knowledge regarding their future business as well as its possibilities of attaining success (Ross, 1995). PEST Analysis Conducting PEST analysis for the hospitality industry will enable the Surfers Paradise Marriott Resort Spa to attain adequate knowledge regarding the market conditions of Australia and its future possibilities of attaining success. The factors associated with the business process of the company are as follows; Political Factor Political factor has been played an important role behind the development of operational process of the business. In Australia the tourism industry is considered to be a fastest growing industry, which also influences the growth in hospitality industry. The political condition of Australia is considered to be quite stable in comparison other countries. The stability in the political domain of Australia has been playing a major role in influencing the conduct of further business operations within that particular country. Recently, Australian government has been playing an important role behind the development of tourism industry. Due to the development in the tourism industry the hospitality industry has also able to attain profitability in its business operations. Therefore, it could also expect that Surfers Paradise Marriott Resort Spa has also able to gain huge prominences in its business. Economic Factors The economic condition of Australia is considered as one of the most important factor for the Surfers Paradise Marriott Resort Spa, as it mainly influences the over development of the organizations. By depending upon the economic condition of Australia, the organizations will be able to manage its operational process efficiently. Basically, it could be stated that the poor economic condition can affect the growth of the hospitality industry. Simultaneously, as the hospitality industry has a direct relationship tourism industry, therefore, the economic impact of Australia over its tourism industry can affect the Australian hospitality industry of the country. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country, the company will be enabling to conduct its further business operations. In this particular case, the GDP of Australia is considered to be quite strong in comparison to various other countries, which is quite important for the enhancement of the business. Due to the strong economi c condition the company Surfers Paradise Marriott Resort Spa will be able to expand their business efficiently (Tremblay, 1998). Social Factor The socio cultural factors are also playing an important role behind developing the success in the business process of the hospitality industry. The Australian culture is considered to be quite open in nature. The culture of Australia is quite friendly in nature and having rich heritage aspects. It could also notify that the societal environment of Australia is mainly imposing quite favorable aspects for enhancing their hospitality industry. People belonging to Australia are also love to spend their holidays through travelling. In this regard, the regional tourism industry of the country will also promoted by their domestic customers. Technological Factor Technology is also another major factor that influences the customers busying behaviour. People belonging to the modern scenario are primarily focusing towards receiving high quality services from its preferred companies. In the hospitality industry majority of companies are serving to their customers with high quality services. The technological development in business environment has influences the overall quality of the services. In this regard, the comp may mainly provide various advanced facilities to its customers for enhancing their overall profitability from the business process. Hotels and resorts having gym, swimming pool, golf course, beauty center as well as spa are considered to be additional value added faculties that could enable the company to attain huge prominences among several customers. Porters Five Forces Analysis New Entry The hospitality industry is noted to be quite tempting in nature for several new comers. Companies, which are opted for making entry within this particular industry is considered to be easier for them. It will also notify that there are very low entry barriers observed in this particular industry. Therefore, it can be stated any new company be able to make entry in this particular business segment and gain huge profitability through the business process. There are various international hospitality industry are opted for making entry in the Australian hospitality industry for expanding their business process (Kang, Lee, Huh, 2010). Bargaining Power of Buyers Buyers belonging to this particular country are having high bargaining power in comparison another factors associated with this particular industry. Though the brand recognition is considered to be one of the most important factors for the customers bargaining power, but due to increasing rate of competition within the industry has also raised the bargaining power of buyers. It could also state that the buyers of the hostels or customers are noted to be quite sensitive in terms of price. Therefore, the customers are always tries to raise their bargaining power of the quality products. Threats to Substitute The lodges and small rooms rented for the guests are mainly considered as a substitute for this particular industry. The other hotels and resorts, small motels as well as tourist lodges are also considered as the substitutes of the hospitality company. Apart from this, camping, staying with friends and families are also considered as major substitute competitors for the hospitality industry. Therefore, in Australia the hospitality organization has experiences huge strong competition from its substitution. Competitors Analysis The Surfers Paradise Marriott Resort Spa is one of the most famous hospitality companies that experiences huge competition within the Australian industry from its major competitors. The Australian region is quite developed in providing excellent services in the hospitality industry. The company is expected to have high competition from the various competitors. For instance, Lizard Island Resort, Rumba Beach Resort, Beach Club, Green Island Resort as well as Southern Ocean Lodge are considered as the major competitors of company, which can provide excellent services to its customers (Ingram, Roberts, 2000). Micro Environment Strengths Weaknesses It mainly plays the role of active market plays within the respective industry Basically, in the intentional market it mainly works as a global leader It has high brand recognition The technical base is highly qualified so that it could improve its service for gaining better customers experiences Continues improvement in the business process The employee retention process is highly efficient in managing total workforce efficiently having huge competition from various intentional organization market shares are limited within respective industry Rapid growth in global expansion High numbers of competition within the organization Opportunities Threats The hospitality market is quite emerging in nature The market is having high potential Continuous innovation the customers service providing technology Improvement in interior decoration The global hospitality industry along with Australian hospitality industry is experiencing boom Entry of various competitors are higher Strong hold of local and regional hotels Price discrimination of products and services Higher rate of competition Market Segmentation of Australian Hospitality Industry Recently, Australia has been recommended as one of the famous tourist hub that mainly serving its high quality products and services to its customers. Tourist belonging to different region are attracting towards Australia due to its excellent service quality. It will also notify that the hospitality industries of Australia are quite different from several other countries hospitality industry. The industry is mainly diversified in nature and having large size of its stakeholders. As the Australia mainly imposes a culture of tourism, therefore it could enable that an adequate portion of economic shares has been captured by the tourism industry (Ingram, Roberts, 2000). It will observe that market segmentation of the Australian hospitality industry are needs to be conducted, as it can be a major concern for the industrialist to focus over their business profitability. Tourist come to this particular organizations for enjoying their leisure experiences are paying attention towards the high quality of services. Therefore, it is important for the organization to make a strategy of market segmentation for enhancing their overall profitability. The segmentation will be design by the company will be based on the demographic variables, geographic variables, psychographic variables as well as behavioral attributes of the customers (OConnor Murphy, 2004). The demographic variables are mainly includes age, education, income as well as gender, which directly evaluating the main impact of the customers choice as well as preferences regarding the organizations and its services. By gaining idea regarding this particular factor or variable the company will be able to design its service and product delivering strategies. Another important variable is geographic variable that mainly influencing the working culture of the company. Besides, a psychographic variable is also paying an important role behind the development of business operations of the Surfers Paradise Marriott Resort Spa. Initially, the company should paid attention towards the psychographic variable i.e., attitudes of the customers, their opinions as well as interest regarding the products and services (Sin, et al., 2005). Therefore, it could be notified that conducting a segmentation plan for the Surfers Paradise Marriott Resort Spa is noted to be important as it could enable the company to gain huge profitability as per considering those aforementioned factors. Those aforementioned factors should be addresses with the efficiency so that the company will be enable to gain adequate prominences within the Australian hospitality industry (Yokel Yuksel, 2003). Behaviour of Customers With the changing context of the modern day business, people have become quite appreciative towards expanding operations into diverse and different markets altogether. In this regard, the Australian market for the hospitality industry has been considered in this study. It has been noted that Australia has become one of the most widely developed nations of the world in terms of the opportunities and the number of potential customers prevailing in this particular marketplace. Research has been able to identify the aspect that the behavior of the customers in this particular market has been changing on a continuous basis altogether. This has been justified from the fact that the market has people visiting from different parts of the world visiting the nation for numerous purposes including tourism, medical purposes and students visiting for educational purposes among others. The target segment for the company in the Australian market mainly include the people who visited the nation for the purpose of tourism or leisure since the selected resort i.e. Surfers Paradise Marriott Resort Spa chosen organization mainly seek to deliver services of luxury in the market of Australia. Analysis has revealed that people visiting Australia for purpose of tourism are quite appreciative towards paying more when they are being provided with quality services within the tourism industry. Contextually, it is apparent that companies operating in this market are quite keen to leverage the demands of the customers regarding quality and likewise meet the changing demands of the customers on a continuous basis. Correspondingly, it can be determined that the management of the company has been focus mainly towards the deliverance of quality products and services to the customers in the market of Australia. Marketing Mix Product: The main products and services provided by the hotel are accommodation and leisure facilities. It delivers full service lodging, extended day lodging and resort facilities. The resort has unique theme which is specifically designed for attracting the target customers. Apart from the core services, the hotel also provides various supporting services to the visitors such as check in services, facilitating services and club facilities among others. These services are required so that the visitors can consume the core services easily. Furthermore, the supporting services also help to enhance the value of the organization and to make it differentiated from other rivals. Price: The pricing strategy of Surfers Paradise Marriott Resort Spa includes strategies to sell the proper services to proper customers at right time and right rate. The pricing strategy of the hotel comprises certain managerial philosophies for the management and associated assets. These philosophies are appropriate benchmark rate setting, sensible pricing, single image portfolio, proper discount rates and routine performance monitoring. The pricing of the hotel is set in such a way so that it provides value to the customers and also earn sufficient revenue. The management of the organization prevent pricing errors through systematizing the structure of pricing. The pricing is determined by approximation of demand curve and the possible volume of products or services sold within each possible rate (Marriott International, Inc., 2010). Place: Surfers Paradise Marriott Resort Spa is situated in Queensland of Australia. The hotel use central reservation system by leveraging the digital distribution network. This system supports the hotel operation of the organization. The central reservation system is merely connected for the external network. Furthermore, the organization also has strong inventory distribution arrangement, which help to enhance the speed of services and to minimize the overall expenses. Promotion: With the improvement of technology, Surfers Paradise Marriott Resort Spa has started to promote the brand through internet. The organization has its own website which provides clear view about the hotel along with its products and services. The website also assists the visitors for reservation, for finding the hotel and for rating the services. The focus of promotion strategy of the hotel is to retain the existing customers. It is mostly targeted to mass audience by trade publications, print advertisements and online advertisement. The organization also use direct mail for promotion which help to establish long run relationship with the local society and help to create high degree of corporate activity (Marriott International, Inc., 2009). Recommendations for Improvement of Marketing Effort Social Media: Increasing number of people is using social media in present days. Thus, Surfers Paradise Marriott Resort Spa can use this media and deliver personalized component in order to attract public towards it. Given the limited amount of promotion in social media, the organization is presently missing the possibility to interact with millions of people. Market Expansion: Presently, Surfers Paradise Marriott Resort Spa highly concentrates on luxury customer segment. In order to increase the sales, the organization should target the huge middle income group segment, as it is the quickest recovering segment and is gently started to enhance their spending on travelling activities (Renner, 2010). Conclusion From the overall analysis, certain conclusion can be made with regard to the topic of the study towards justifying the selection of the topic along with comprehending the manner in which companies are able to operate within the hospitality industry of the world. In this context, it can be affirmed that towards attaining long term sustainability within this particular industry utmost focus is levied by the business unit in ascertaining the demands of the customers and likewise meet their quality service needs to a considerable extent altogether. Hence, it can be affirmed that Surfers Paradise Marriott Resort Spa will need to ensure the deliverance of quality services to the customers in the Australian market towards assuring long term sustainability in the same. References Davidson, M., Guilding, C., Timo, N. (2006). Employment, flexibility and labour market practices of domestic and MNC chain luxury hotels in Australia: Where has accountability gone?. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 25(2), 193-210. Dawes, J. (1999). The relationship between subjective and objective company performance measures in market orientation research: further empirical evidence. Marketing Bulletin-Department of Marketing Massey University, 10, 65-75. 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Annals of tourism research, 25(4), 837-859. Yuksel, A., Yuksel, F. (2003). Measurement of tourist satisfaction with restaurant services: A segment-based approach. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 9(1), 52-68.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Is the push to go green enough or too late
In the turn of the 21 century, the world has had many problems to deal with. Among the many problems is the environmental issue which has increased due to numerous factors; as the world witnessed the turn of the 21st century, a lot of transformation and developments have also been on the rise with new technology also being a major source progression of all times.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Is the push to go green enough or too late? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Because of the advanced technological changes, the planet has undergone major transformation both positive and negative. Such transformations have also impacted our surrounding and have even affected our way of life. As such, this research paper will base its argument in discussing the numerous environmental concerns and the strategy of going green as a preventive measure to addressing the environmental issues as we seek to enquire whether the ex isting measure are doing enough to attain a sustainable solution to environmental issues; the paper will also make the appropriate recommendations on how the planet at large can be able to solve the current environmental issues. As new technology is being developed more environmental issues are also on the increase with each coming day. Technological advancement such as the emergence of cell phones, motor car vehicles, bombs, new forms of energy among others has resulted to increase of environmental hazards such as air pollution, water pollution, increased waste products such as plastics bags, chemical pollution and so forth. On the other hand, we can not entirely blame the technological changes for the numerous environmental issues but the humanity is also to blame for the increase of environmental problems. The increase of human activities such as mining, deforestation, overgrazing, construction, poor planning among other activities have also led to emergence of bigger environment al problems- bigger than the what humanity can eliminate at ease. Due to the increase and heavy effects of environmental issues many strategies have been developed by various agencies such as United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP), Environmental Protection Agencies (EPA), World Health Organization (WHO), the environmentalist, human rights activists, and various government departments have been committed in order to ensure that the planet overcomes environmental issues for a better and safe living. Discussion In an attempt to make the planet become a safe and better place free of environmental hazards, there has been world-wide campaign dumped â€Å"going green†. Going green can be defined as the concept that describes the various procedures transforming one’s lifestyle for the better, safety and for benefit of the environment.Advertising Looking for report on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn M ore Communities, organizations, people and agencies who go green are not only making the environment safe but they are also making better decisions about their daily lives whilst at the same time considering how such decisions are impacting the environment and how they facilitate the fight against global warming, water pollution, air pollution, destruction of the natural environment among other environmental concerns (Sleeth, 2009). According to Taylor (2008) the going green has become a social movement and it has spread across the planet as it seeks to influence the society and the various environmental agencies in educating the general public to protect and conserve the natural resources for the survival of all organisms. Mainly those people who carry out the campaign of going green are usually referred as environmentalist; the environmentalists are people and organized groups whose works is to speak out about our natural surroundings and elaborating the numerous techniques of e nsuring sustainable management of the natural resources through implementing policies that will ultimately ensure change of behavior, making of informed decisions, and adopting new ways such renewable energy (Sleeth, 2009). Generally the environmentalist seeks to address the environmental issues by making the people to have a positive perception of the natural world while taking care of it for sustainability. Objectives of going green The concept of â€Å"going green†has its main objective of addressing the most pressing environmental issues and concerns. Mainly, there are three issues people and agencies of going green usually target to address at all times which include; sustainable living, use of environmental friendly products and the reusing and recycling of waste products as much as possible (Price water coopers, 2008). Sustainable living involves the use of natural resources at the minimal possible way while using them in an effectiveness way which can only be achieve d through conserving energy, eating a reasonable diet, reducing consuming imported items and use of better transportation system. Additionally, the going green advocates for use of environmental friendly products also known as green products such as recycled paper products, natural food, less toxic products especially person care product such as cosmetics and so on. The use of green products is essential in reducing damage and harm of our earth, air, the water we use, plants, and other living organisms. On the other hand, the campaign to recycle products mainly targets products such as plastics bags, metals, glasses, left over foods among others. The notion to recycle products facilitates in reducing poor waste disposal and most importantly, it also helps in conserving energy.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Is the push to go green enough or too late? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Going green step by step In today’s world, there is a greater need to embrace changes that would facilitate environmental conservation. In fact, there is a growing group of environmentalism urging industrial companies to go green everywhere across the world and there are doing this through also campaigning to consumers, government departments and business sectors. According to price water coopers (2008), although some of the industries do not really feel that their activities are contributing to environmental hazards, most of the companies have taken in the idea that there is need to minimize their environmental effects. Such companies are embracing the idea of green-oriented products since this holds the chances of reducing greater environmental hazards. Going green generally requires step by step changes in the production process. It involves production of green products all through the production, products supply, up to the marketing stage and finally to the consumers who must also go green; to indi cate the level of commitment to going green, a number of companies in the world are also branding their product green (Price water coopers, 2008). The going green strategies are meant to help the humanity and other living organism live harmoniously here on earth, save money, and create an environment that is sustainable for living while trying to meet all human needs (Chernova and Krieger, 2009). Therefore there are a number of steps we as human beings can take in order to ensure that we stop climate changes and make our lives better which will also ensure that the future generation will live sustainably. In the following section we shall outline the several strategies of going green; the paper shall also discuss each strategy extensively so that at the end we can be able to make an assessment of the strategies in terms of whether these strategies are being effective in solving environmental issues in today’s world. The first procedure emphasizes on saving energy as an approa ch to save money consumption. This strategy urges the humanity that, we should at all times reduce the amount of energy consumption we use every day which will also help in saving money used for consumption. For instance, a consumer should always unplug appliances such as electronic gadgets when he/she is not using them and this will help save power energy, wash clothes in cold water and reduce heating water when not necessary which will also save power, and try as much as possible to use power saving bulbs such as compact fluorescent light bulbs (Chernova and Krieger, 2009).Advertising Looking for report on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Secondly, it is also necessary to save water consumption at our homes. Reduced use of water at homes and industries will also help save money and ensure constant water supply. If possible, it is necessary to take shorter showers so as to use less water, use low-flow showerhead which will help reduce water consumption, and plant drought resistance crops in our gardens to reduce water intake (Chernova and Krieger, 2009). Such measures will help very much to reduce the level of water intake at the domestic level and will also help save money. Thirdly, it is important to reduce the level of using gas in all areas. Factories, Cars, motorbikes and other machineries use a lot of gas which in turns has contributed to environmental problems in the planet today. To help reduce on gas use, one can use bicycle or walk to work and try to utilize the telecommunication system or move closer to place of work at whatever cost because it may be more beneficial in the long run; it will reduce toxic em issions, save gas and also solve issues of traffic congestion which will also save cost and time (Taylor, 2008). Such steps will help in reducing the level of gas being used and this will consequently help in promoting good and healthy living. Additionally, it also important to reduce using whatever that may contribute to increased waste products; Taylor (2008) argues that, it is necessary to avoid bottled water. One method to help reduce bottled water is by making sure we purify our tap water at home instead of buying bottled water from the supermarkets and other retailers. Again, we should also try to carry reusable water bottles such as those made of aluminum since we can always have them for a long time; moreover, we should also try to always bring reusable bags whenever going for shopping; it will help save resources and cut down use of plastic bags. By adhering to these simple steps, we are able to reduce the quantity of waste products while also saving money. Another strategy to facilitate minimal waste products is by trying to avoid disposing electronics products such as cell phones, computers, and broken monitors among other electronics (Price water coopers, 2008). To avoid this, one can recycle or donate such gadgets to friends in order to ensure responsible use. By so doing, we are able to reduce the level of electronic waste which contains mercury and other deadly components that are harmful to human health since it has been the most growing environmental problem today. To help in reducing this growing problem the government should try setting up recycling centers to reduce the hazardous waste. Furthermore, individuals should try to improve their indoor air quality since it has been observed that indoor air has more environmental health risk as compared to the outdoor air (Chernova and Krieger, 2009). This situation is very dangerous especially for those people who live in high ozone regions since they are more prone to environmental hazards. The o pinion is that, individuals should always try to clean the indoor air which will also help in killing germs and other disease causing organism which will in turn facilitate to providing a cleaner environment and healthy living. Another step of going green is advocating for organic products. It is recommended that, we should always purchase organic products since they will promote healthy eating; farmers should embrace the option of growing organic products especially vegetables such as onions, tomatoes, spinaches, kales, and cabbages since they are usually used as food at most times (Taylor, 2008). Taylor emphasizes that, the first step is through using non-toxics inputs at the firm especially fertilizers and pesticides which will in turn ensure we acquire organic products. Finally, another very important strategy of going green is through encouraging planting trees and avoiding deforestation. The opinion is that, for every tree cut down, we should always plant two as a replacement; this will ensure that, desertification is minimized and the future generation is protected in one way or the other. In fact, by planting trees, we are able to enjoy fresh air which is essential for good health, protection of natural habitat for the wild animals is guaranteed and we are also able to make certain that the water catchment areas are being well preserved. Conclusion How effective is the going green policy? As already discussed, the going green is an essential instrument to fighting environmental crisis in this era of technological advancement. For the reason that, the world is facing a growing wave of environmental issues such as emission of toxic gases, destruction of natural resources such as forest and other forms of energy, increased waste disposal, deforestation, and misuse of energy among other pressing issues; all this problems have also contributed to new outbreak of global crisis such as poor lifestyle, poor health among the humanity, death of organism and anim als, outbreak of diseases, desertification, global warming, and famine among other issues (Chernova and Krieger, 2009) . With the presence of going green strategies, the population has had a renewed optimism since the solution to such emerging environmental issues is almost being achieved. In deed, the going green policies have helped in a broad way to reduction of the heavy burden of environmental hazards through tumbling the high level of waste products, saving energy, reducing toxic gases, conserving water catchment areas, and making certain that the population is enjoying healthy organic products. As such, we can bring the discussion to a close that, the push to going green is doing enough to solve environmental problems; it is an important choice that is currently enhancing attainment of better and safe environment for a positive society. Reference Chernova, Y Krieger, S. (2009). How to Go Green in Hard Times. The wall street journal. Retrieved from Price water coopers. (2008). Going green: Sustainable growth. Web. Sleeth, N. (2009).Go Green, Save Green: A Simple Guide to Saving Time, Money, and God’s Green Earth. New York: Tyndale House Publishers. Taylor, N. H. (2008). Go Green: how to build an earth-friendly community. Layton: Gibbs Smith. 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